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Mentoring and Sponsorship for Women Artists and Non-Profit Founders in Inequity

Find Support

Mujeres Y Arte

Mujeres! Gain full support to develop your next opportunity.

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Inequity exists. Opportunity can too.

Regardless of your goals, where you are from, or what people say, you can achieve your dreams even if you don't quite know how.

Unsure over how to make it happen?

Let go of frustration over how to make your vision come true.
Image by Josue Ladoo Pelegrin

Apply to be next year's Mujeres Y Arte Program

Make Your Vision

Apply Now

Fill out the required information to give us a sense of your project and requirements.


Find Mentorship

Once per year, we'll accept the applicant we feel we can help the most. Once accepted you'll receive full support through team mentorship, logistics, connections, application and funding.


Live Your Calling

At the end of our term, you'll successfully launch and be provided with the platform and know-how needed for continual success in your career or non-profit.


How It Works

3 Steps to Success

In order to offer full support, one entity is inducted each year.

Induction into our program is inclusive of everything you will need to nurture success in the arts, with exclusivity - including mentorships, developing opportunities for exhibiting or a project, consultation, funding, professional development, admin, booking, and management.

Your Vision is Enough

We've helped women gain the support, partnership and information they needed to build the platform they envisioned.

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